Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Snow the Bundle of Joy -Narrative-

Three weeks ago, my friends Tom and Jenn decided to go to the local pet store. Once they walked in the store they noticed a  dog, white as snow, that they fell in love with immediately. They knew right then, that they had to purchase this small white fluffy cotton ball for their pet. Tom asked for a sales lady to come over and and fetch this little white ball of snow, so that they could hold her. As the sales lady went behind the door to retrieve their new family member, Tom and Jenn watched from the window as their new love of their life came out from behind the door. The sales lady was holding their new baby, Snow. They asked the type of breed she was, and the sales lady said she is a Bichon-Frise.  Snow was so excited to see them that she was bouncing all over the place like a mouse in a ball. Once Snow was in their arms they went quickly to the counter to pay for Snow to take her to her new home.

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